Goodbye razor, hello laser
We’re proud to offer treatments with the Lightsheer DUET and Splendor X, two of the fastest and most powerful lasers in the industry. Get rid of most of your unwanted body hair forever in about 6-12 treatments, depending on your skin type. Just book a consult!
All about Lightsheer Duet
This machine has been used at our salons ever since we started offering laser hair removal! Its suction feature allows the laser to target the hair follicles more closely, increasing its effectiveness. Good for lighter skin tones.
All about Splendor X
This laser machine works on ALL skin tones! It works on Blend X technology, which improves overall coverage and effectiveness. You'll see results faster with this laser! It also has a cooling feature to help reduce discomfort.
This pricing is based on our popular packages only. Each package comes with 6 sessions and 2 touch ups. We also offer individual sessions. Contact the location of your choosing for more laser pricing.
Lightsheer Duet laser packages
- Brazilian - $900
- Bikini - $600
- Extended bikini - $780
- Underarms - $450
- Full legs - $1800
- Bikini + underarms - $1050
- Brazilian + underarms - $1200
- Brazilian + full legs - $2400
- Brazilian + full legs + underarms - $2700
- Full body + neck/face - $7800
Splendor X laser packages
- Brazilian - $990
- Bikini - $660
- Extended bikini - $858
- Underarms - $495
- Full legs - $1980
- Bikini + underarms - $1155
- Brazilian + underarms - $1320
- Brazilian + full legs - $2640
- Brazilian + full legs + underarms - $2970
- Full body + neck/face - $8580
This pricing is based on our popular packages only. Each package comes with 6 sessions and 2 touch ups. We also offer individual sessions. Contact the location of your choosing for more laser pricing.
Lightsheer Duet laser packages
- Brozilian - $1200
- Deep speedo - $1100
- Speedo - $1000
- Cheeks - $390
- Jawline/neck - $600
- Full arms - $1200
- Full front - $1800
- Full back - $1800
- Full arms, hands, knuckles - $1350
- Full body (no face/neck) - $7050
Splendor X laser packages
- Brozilian - $1320
- Deep speedo - $1210
- Speedo - $1100
- Cheeks - $429
- Jawline/neck - $660
- Full arms - $1320
- Full front - $1980
- Full back - $1980
- Full arms, hands, knuckles - $1485
- Full body (no face/neck) - $7755